CDM Glossary

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Term Definition
Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

The systematic process of using administrative decisions, organization, operational skills and capacities to implement policies, strategies and coping capacities of the society and communities to lessen the impacts of natural hazards and related environmental and technological disasters. This comprises all forms of activities, including structural and nonstructural measures to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) adverse effects of hazards. (ISDR)

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

The conceptual framework of elements considered with the possibilities to minimize vulnerabilities and disaster risks throughout a society, to avoid (prevention) or to limit (mitigation and preparedness) the adverse impacts of hazards, within the broad context of sustainable development. DRR involves:

  • Risk awareness and assessment including hazard analysis and vulnerability/capacity analysis;

  • Knowledge development including education, training, research and information;

  • Public commitment and institutional frameworks, including organizational, policy, legislation and community action;

  • Application of measures including environmental management, land-use and urban planning, protection of critical facilities,
    application of science and technology, partnership and networking, and financial instruments;

  • Early warning systems including forecasting, dissemination of warnings, preparedness measures and reaction capacities (ISDR)
Donor Harmonization

Collaboration among donors or development partners on programme initiatives so as to avoid duplication and to optimise resource allocation (Eastern Caribbean Donor Group /Development Partners)

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