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CDEMA Tsunami Preparedness - Before A Tsunami
Before A Tsunami

We cannot prevent a tsunami...
                                   but we can be prepared for it.

Know What To Do

  • Find out if your home is in a vulnerable area by finding out the distance it is from the coast.

  • If you live in a low-lying area – for instance near to the beach – identify the quickest way to get to high ground. A safe area would be at least 30m (~100feet) above sea level and 3km (~ 2miles) inland. Teach and practice your evacuation plan with all family members.

  • Ensure that all family members can recognize natural tsunami signs as timely, official Tsunami Warnings may not be possible.

  • Discuss tsunamis with your family and friends. Everyone needs to know what to do in case all members are not together.

  • Emergency supplies and equipment such as canned foods, medication, flashlights, battery-powered radios, clean water and First Aid kits should be readily available and working properly.

Know How To Help Others
The more you know, the more likely you will be able to take lifesaving action.

Please share what you learn; knowing the right information may save your life and the lives of those you love. So let’s all educate our friends, our families, and ourselves.

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